Monday, February 24, 2020

Some basic stuff

A very good friend of mine accuses of me studying things superficially. But I think I prefer to stick basics first. So here are some basic stuff which I think people need to keep in mind:

  1. Confidence is not the same as Competence
  2. Humility is not the same as Weakness
  3. Non-violence is not the same as Cowardice
  4. Correlation is not the same as Causation
  5. Solitude is not the same as Loneliness
  6. Cause is not the same as Purpose (flicked from a friend)
  7. Theological God is not the same as Natural God (not exactly flicked but...)
  8. Scientist is not the same as Science
  9. Risk is not the same as the perception of Risk
  10. Lack of opportunity should not be construed as a choice made.
  11. Unknown is not the same as Unknowable(flicked...)
  12. Love is not the same as attachment. (Directly from Swami Vivekananda)
  13. Detachment is not the same as indifference. (Again SV)
  14. Knowing the name of something is not the same as knowing something. (Richard Feynman)

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