Thursday, November 19, 2020

Breaking Bad

 Watching a series that started in 2008 in 2020 and writing about seems too late. But I am only following the path of the protagonist of the series who finally arrives after he is 50 and is about die (of cancer) As a friend indicated the series did get more interesting as seasons went by. I liked Season 4 and Season 5 in particular. It is as though all knots were slowly undone in Season 5 for me.

If there is only one scene that I am allowed to pick and keep to integrate into me then that would be this: Walt is living secluded after his name change and with almost no human contact. He requests Ed Galbraith to stay for 2 more hours and is willing to pay him 10,000 dollars and gets 1 hour of playing cards for that money. But then there are many more scenes which are worth going through again in the entire series. For instance, this one: Hank Schrader is on the other end of the gun, wounded and it is only a matter of minutes before death will break the doors of his house. Walt is pleading the owner of the gun and is willing to pawn all that he earned in lieu of Hank's life. Hank chides Walt by saying that "You are the smartest man I have ever met in my Life but right now you are too stupid to see that he made up his mind 10 minutes ago."

Unlike House of cards where the protagonists get away with everything they do, Breaking Bad ensures that their protagonists get back for everything that they do/did.  However, the real world is much more complex than the world of fiction. For instance, Walter doesn't allow Bogdan to take with him the dollar bill he has kept in his car wash as memento. Instead, he breaks it and uses that money to buy a drink from the vending machine as a revenge.  Bogdan was harsh(disrespectful actually) with Walt when the later worked for him. Does that mean that the car wash was not critical to Walt in paying his bills when he needed money the most?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

House of cards

 I just concluded a month long vacation (got lucky with that) which I initially intended to use as a micro sabbatical. But anyone who knows my obsession with procrastination can decipher that I just completed it in the blink of an eye day dreaming. But I successfully concluded my vacation with binge watching House of Cards (after a close friend recommended it multiple times on different occasions) 

Anyone who has a philosophy in Life that self-interest at any price is the ultimate value will adore the two protagonists in a series that begins with killing a dog and ends with killing Doug. Kevin Spacey's acting was brilliant though. Claire Underwood reminded me time and again of Cersei from GOT. I was desperate to see if Heather Dunbar would make it to the top job and was disappointed that she couldn't make it. The other characters which I really liked are Adam Galloway and Tom Hammerschmidt. I thought I would become fan of Tom Yates by the end of the season but then he lost his charm. I really like the actors who played Tom Yates and Mark Usher. I think they pulled it off brilliant. The only guy whom I loved watching getting destroyed was William Conway. 

There is an assassination attempt on the president and he needs a liver transplant. His chief of staff asks the doctors why they are not doing it yet. He is told that the President is on Status 3 and they will start it as soon as he reaches Status 1. Why? Because it is the law. Doug ends up breaking the law to bump him up from Stauts 2 to Status 1. That scene is so sobering and tells  how much we in India need to mature as democracy. But then what hope does a society which is drenched in feudalistic mind set have?

Going back to the philosophy espoused by the protagonists that there is no justice but only conquests, I would only caution someone to watch Bad Boy Billionaires documentary series in Netflix after watching House of cards just to sober you up. If you don't believe me, go to the scene where Freddie and his grandson visit the white house. The president lets Freddie's grandson sit on his chair and tells him that he too can become president when he grows up if he studies well. Later on as they are leaving the white house Freddie educates his grandson  by saying that it is good to  have dreams but we must not let them turn into fantasies.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Compilation of all the books I have read

Edit/Note:Am keeping this list dynamic and updating it as time goes by.

As the Sunday morning Curfew begins, I thought I should make a list of all the books I read cover to cover.  I mean at least those I remember

English - Fiction

  1. The Trojan War (Abridged version of Illiad)
  2. Great Expectations (Abridged)
  3. The Hound of Baskerville  
  4. The Adventures of Huckleberyy Finn (Abridged)
  5. Gulliver's Travel (Abridged)
  6. Harry Potter and The philosopher's stone
  7. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
  8. Harry Potter and The Prizoner of Azkabhan
  9. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
  10. Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix
  11. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
  12. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
  13. Sphere 
  14. The Andromeda Strain
  15. Rage of Angels
  16. The other side of the midnight
  17. Memories of Midnight
  18. The sky is falling
  19. Tell me your dreams
  20. The Doomsday Conspiracy
  21. If Tomorrow comes
  22. The Hammer of Eden
  23. The Third Twin
  24. The God Father
  25. The Fountain Head
  26. The White Tiger
  27. Midnight's children
  28. Swami and Friends
  29. The Time Machine 
  30. The Robe
  31. The Little Prince
  32. Love story
  33. Jonathan Livngston Sea Gull
  34. Who moved my cheese
  35. Siddartha
  36. The Old man and the Sea
  37. Many Lives Many Masters
  38. Living with the Himalyan Masters
  39. The Prophet
  40. Geetanjali
  41. One Minute Wisdom
  42. One Minute Nonsense
  43. The Prayer of the Frog - I
  44. The Prayer of the Frog - II
  45. The Song of the Bird
  46. The Post Office 
  47. The Alchemist
  48. Five Point Someone
  49. One Night at the Call Center
  50. Three Mistakes of my Life
  51. The Bible (one of the abridged versions)
  52. Angels and Demons
  53. The Da Vinci Code
  54. Code to Zero
  55. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (audible) 
  56. The Palace of Illusions (audible)
English - Fiction - Short Stories
  1. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Collection)
  2. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Collection)
  3. An Astrologer's Day
  4. Few short stories of Tagore (The Cabuliwallah, The Trust Property etc...) 
  5. Few short stories of Chekov (The Bet, Swan Song etc...)
  6. Few short stories of Tolstoy (God Sees the Truth but waits etc..)
  7. Few short stories of Dostoevsky 
  8. Few short stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul book series

English - Non-fiction

  1. Wings of Fire
  2. Go Kiss the World
  3. Surely, You're joking Mr. Feynman
  4. What do you care what other people think
  5. Man The Unknown
  6. Imagining India
  7. The Difficulty of Being Good
  8. Are You getting the Love you Want
  9. A Brief History of Time
  10. Stray Birds
  11. The bed of Procrustes
  12. Sapiens
  13. The Story of My Experiments with Truth
  14. India after Gandhi
  15. Freedom at Midnight
  16. India Grows at Night
  17. Fooled by Randomness (Audible)
  18. Hind Swaraj
  19. Rich Dad Poor Dad
  20. Inspite of the Gods
  21. QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
  22. The Subtle Art of Not giving a F*ck
  23. Tuesdays with Morrie
  24. The Accidental Prime Minister
  25. The Impact of Science on Society
 తెలుగు (Telugu)
  1. మహాప్రస్థానం 
  2. అమృతం కురిసిన రాత్రి 
  3. బారిష్టర్ పార్వతీశం 
  4. కన్యాశుల్కం (యధాతధము)
  5. అపూర్వ చింతామణి కథ 
  6.  వెన్నెల్లో ఆడపిల్ల 
  7. మరణ మృదంగం 
  8. మిథునం (చిన్న కధల సంకలనం)
  9. రమణీయం 
  10. రామ్ @ శృతి డాట్ కామ్ 
  11. కొన్ని చలం కధలు 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Compilation of the best compliments

As the world seems to lock itself down in the wake of Corona, I thought of utilizing some of the extra time available time by cleaning up my room and if the trend continues will try my hand at cooking.

Meanwhile, I thought of writing something positive on my blog page after having filled it with a lot of rant in the last few years (my poetry page to seem to have got filled with too much rant) So, I will enumerate few of the best compliments I received in my Life which I remember.

1. During my school days, a dear friend and I used to compete heavily in our favourite subject - Mathematics. We used to finish proofs and problems ahead of classes and even the Tuition classes (which themselves are supposed to be ahead of school classes). My Tuition teacher used to be impressed with my questioning capabilities in school. I still remember one of the question I asked him regarding Earth's revolving around Sun much ahead of getting introduced to the words Centripetal and Centrifugal forces. He would often call my friend, 'Marie Curie' and me 'Aristotle'. A nice childhood memory. When I look back now, I have met so many people far more intelligent and far far more talented than me. The compliment is a hyperbole of an hyperbole, but it leaves a really really good taste when I think of it.

2. The bachelor's degree I obtained was an honours course. We had Maths, Physics and Chemistry and we were supposed to major in one of the subject from third year onwards. In my fourth semester, one of the Maths paper we had was advanced Real Analysis. The professor was quite impressed with my ability to write different kind of proofs. After evaluating the mid-semester exams, looking at my paper, he told me, "You fellow! You should never give up Maths!" And when I ended up taking physics and he came to know of it, he exclaimed in Telugu, " కొంప ముంచావు కదరా !" which meant that I made a disaster.

3. It was the second year of my first job. A team of almost 15-20 people were to travel to Noida to receive Knowledge Transfer for a bunch of projects our Team was taking over from a different company. Two of us accompanied our admin specialist couple of days ahead to ensure everything was set and others would not face any hurdles during the travel. That was the first time the admin colleague of mine interacted with me closely and he gave me a beautiful compliment.  It goes, "I am a person who ensures that everyone notices my presence but you are a person who makes everyone notice your absence."

4. Another dear friend of mine and I were in his car recently. May be a year ago. I had learnt so much about Life from him and was casually expressing that admiration to him. I told him that he was one of a kind among all the friends I have. He spontaneously responded, "There will be lot of people like me Sasi! It is people like you who are rare." This is one of the best compliments I have ever received in Life.

5. A colleague of mine exclaimed recently, " You are like Israel. You expose only your weakness but never expose your strengths." It was a really nice compliment.

There are a few other compliments which I have received which were very humbling at the point of time I received. But, I have chosen not to include them here intentionally.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Some basic stuff

A very good friend of mine accuses of me studying things superficially. But I think I prefer to stick basics first. So here are some basic stuff which I think people need to keep in mind:

  1. Confidence is not the same as Competence
  2. Humility is not the same as Weakness
  3. Non-violence is not the same as Cowardice
  4. Correlation is not the same as Causation
  5. Solitude is not the same as Loneliness
  6. Cause is not the same as Purpose (flicked from a friend)
  7. Theological God is not the same as Natural God (not exactly flicked but...)
  8. Scientist is not the same as Science
  9. Risk is not the same as the perception of Risk
  10. Lack of opportunity should not be construed as a choice made.
  11. Unknown is not the same as Unknowable(flicked...)
  12. Love is not the same as attachment. (Directly from Swami Vivekananda)
  13. Detachment is not the same as indifference. (Again SV)
  14. Knowing the name of something is not the same as knowing something. (Richard Feynman)

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The boy who couldn't grow up

The first blog post that I ever wrote online was on tumblr (later moved to blogger) was titled "The Little Boy" It was somewhere during the days of my M.Tech. I was still in college back then; naive, too pure; too innocent; full of ideals. I had given up Physics because I was scared if I did Phd in Physics, I would never be able to return to India and therefore switched to Computer Science. I thought if I stayed in India, I could contribute to this country.

I grew up in a joint family where my brother and I witnessed constant fights among elders and yet the violence couldn't mar my innocence. My father(and others except my brother) discriminated against me(in a very very limited sense) because apparently I was not as good at studies as him. Yet, by the time I wrote that blog post, I had long overcome(9 years) the first major challenge of my Life. I worked hard after my 10th class(and in 10th class) to prove to the world that I am good; and I did it. I could get admission in a college where my brother couldn't get admitted in his 11th. The entire family's viewing of me had changed!

All my formative years were spent in a place where it was filled with good people all around. A semi-gurukul system where boundaries were strictly drawn. The constraints were hard constraints and upfront. The rules were very clear and as long as you stuck to the rules, you had unlimited freedom in that place. And I spent 9 years in that place. I stuck to the rules 95% of the time. Every one else seemed to follow the rules due to various reasons; some followed them willingly; some unwillingly. But, I followed them in true spirit; nay I embraced them. I loved them. I followed them in letter and spirit. But I missed something extremely crucial in Life; studying the ways of the world.

10+ years in the corporate world. I thought I learnt quite a bit about Life. I thought I chose my values with Love. I thought I chose them because I truly adore those values. But the truth seems to be something else. The truth is that I didn't grow up. I am still a child housed in a 80+ Kg body. I didn't learn from a messy divorce; or shall I say I didn't learn even after a messy divorce. I didn't learn even after living in the corporate world for these many years.  I took pride in being able to party with friends without alcohol while I should have been ashamed of it. Ashamed of not having learnt falsehood ; Ashamed of trying to be pure like a child even after my innocence was long lost. What did I think? That the world will believe me for what I am? That the world will respect my purity? The world doesn't seem to work that way. It wants to live in Lies and falsehoods. The world doesn't know how to embrace vulnerability and a person who can embrace his vulnerability is a misfit.

What choice(s) do I have? I really don't know. But it is Ok. The role model I chose in Life was shot. A genius like Einstein said of him, "Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a man ever walked on Earth." He was a failure in many ways. He wanted to be a successful lawyer and failed at it. He was a failed father; Yet his idealogical adversary titled him, "Father of the Nation." People like me don't know how to choose role models. I should have chosen hedonism over MKG; facade over Truth.  I refused to grow up. And I have paid the price.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

List of books - 2019

I read the following books in 2019. Some books were started but couldn't be completed. So, those spill overs to be added for 2020.
Jan 2019
- Siddartha
- Sapiens
Feb 2019
 - The Old man and the Sea
Jun 2019
 -India Grows at Night
Sep 2019
  -The Little Prince
Audio Book completed(Month unknown)
   -Fooled by Randomness

PS: Month corresponds to when the book got completed.