Firstly the etymology– The Bhagavad Gita(7:16) says that there are four types of devotees – Artha, Arthaarthi, Jignasu and Jnani. The
last one is of course ruled out for me
and I consider a major part of myself not belonging to the first two categories.
However, I know that I am not a full-fledged Jignasu and therefore the adjective
I was in the second
year of my Under-graduation and was having a basic couse in Real Analysis. We
were being introduced the Natural Numbers and the infinity of Natural Numbers
(pronounced aleph naught). Now, 2 + 2 is 4, x + x is 2x but
not 2
. Promptly, my professor told us what the
scriptures say “Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaath Poornam
Udachyathe Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornameva Vasishyathe”

I had the good fortune to learn some RigVedic chants in my
higher secondary school and college. However, I must humbly admit that I can only recite them very imperfectly. I only have a millionth of a millionth of rudimentary knowledge of the Vedas. I beg the pardon of the wise for my audacity in this attempt. I wish to mention two things that made a
very profound impression on me from the Brahmanandavalli :
It goes
"Akaashadh Vayuhu, Vayoragnihi, Agnairaapaha, Aabyah Pruthvi ..." It means Air emerged(was born) from the Ether; Fire from Air; Water from Fire; Land from Water... But hold a second! Water was born out of fire! They are
opposites right? You use water to put off fire. And then came the revelation to
me. An examination of fundamental chemistry told me that when Hydrogen burns in
oxygen water is what comes out!
2. In the same Brahmandavalli there is a description
of Ananda. A unit of human happiness is
defined using a young and healthy happy man with lot of other parameters and
then the happiness is measured across various beings and the description goes upto
defining one unit of happiness of the Brahman. Now I know of Metre as an unit of distance, gram as an unit of weight etc... But to define a unit for happiness (and with a very high degree of precision, in my opinion) is something awe
inspiring for me.
Something really new to me and I take home some knowledge :-)
Also, practically, when our skin comes in contact with the hot sun (fire), we sweat (water)..again, Agnir aapaha... The examples of agnir aapaha and anandavalli prove that 'Science is only half a circle...whereas spirituality is a full circle...'
well-researched and well-written Sasi...Bravo!
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