Some of the greatest inventions of mankind:
Invention of Fire.
Invention of Wheel.
Invention of weapons at various points of time. (Major impacts started from the invention of Gun Powder)
Invention of Paper & Printing Press
Invention of Electricity
Invention of Steam Engine.
The list is incomplete and may not be accurate. I have only written from the top of my hat.
Industrial Revolution was one of the main revolutions that took the world by storm. But the Information Revolution that is taking the world by storm now has no precedents. Globalization is the new buzz word that has changed everything in this world. We all know that it has been spearheaded by the revolutions in communication and information technologies. I do not intend to write on how businesses have changed. But I would like to mention a couple of things that have been the best things that could have happened today:
Internet has evolved so much and web 2.0 is all about the content driven by users. It gives me the luxury to write blogs. I am not a writer by profession but I have the urge to write; how do I do it? I write blogs. So are various creative activities that small timers & amateurs like me can engage in and enjoy the respective tastes.
Mp3 players, music phones & FM radios have made people listen to music more and more. Music is one of the best fine arts and the more it is cherished the better.
Mobile phones and internet are two of the best things that could have happened which give so much access to information & communication to common man.