Two Hundred and a Score Years ago Mother India asked of its children to give their Blood so that their children may breathe free air. Two Hundred years later Mother India does not ask of its children to give their Blood. But She asks them of their SWEAT!! Yes! She does not want Her children to die for Her anymore. She wants them to Live for Her.
Great Nations are formed out of Great Leaders but Great Leaders are born from Good Citizens. Before we ask of our leaders to be Great We need to become citizens who are responsible. Citizens who believe in the Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God. This nation has time and again taught the west the Essence of Life. The Time has come when we have to introspect and rediscover the wisdom of this nation.
India's strength has its been rich culture. Today we are at a stage when we are almost throwing it away - Thanks to Globalization and Mass Media. We do not want to imbibe the rich public values and work culture that the West has as its strength. Rather we would like to take their materialism and consumerism and make them our own!!!!!!!! The west and the east have to meet- but it should be a confluence where we exchange what is good in both of us rather than what is easier to adopt.
Today we house the best brains of the world and yet we have a home where one third of its inmates go hungry with not even two square meals a day. There is no point in asking and waiting for someone to change things. Let us be the change we want to see for just as the body cannot be happy with one part ailing the society can not be happy with one section of it driven to the brink of extinction. In the body the message is transmitted immediately and directly, but in the society it is not immediate and not direct - it expresses itself in completely different morphological forms like terrorism and the like.
The time has come when the world's Youngest nation shows the world how to lead a better Life and not just how to have a better Living. The onus is on You and I.
Note: The views expressed are entirely my personal opinions. No offence is meant against anyone and my apologies if any sentiments are hurt inadvertently.
Great Nations are formed out of Great Leaders but Great Leaders are born from Good Citizens. Before we ask of our leaders to be Great We need to become citizens who are responsible. Citizens who believe in the Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God. This nation has time and again taught the west the Essence of Life. The Time has come when we have to introspect and rediscover the wisdom of this nation.
India's strength has its been rich culture. Today we are at a stage when we are almost throwing it away - Thanks to Globalization and Mass Media. We do not want to imbibe the rich public values and work culture that the West has as its strength. Rather we would like to take their materialism and consumerism and make them our own!!!!!!!! The west and the east have to meet- but it should be a confluence where we exchange what is good in both of us rather than what is easier to adopt.
Today we house the best brains of the world and yet we have a home where one third of its inmates go hungry with not even two square meals a day. There is no point in asking and waiting for someone to change things. Let us be the change we want to see for just as the body cannot be happy with one part ailing the society can not be happy with one section of it driven to the brink of extinction. In the body the message is transmitted immediately and directly, but in the society it is not immediate and not direct - it expresses itself in completely different morphological forms like terrorism and the like.
The time has come when the world's Youngest nation shows the world how to lead a better Life and not just how to have a better Living. The onus is on You and I.
Note: The views expressed are entirely my personal opinions. No offence is meant against anyone and my apologies if any sentiments are hurt inadvertently.